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Goldfire Gallery promotes exhibitions and art shows by Australian artists and groups that are being held in a physical location.
Part of the Goldfire Gallery service to its artist members is free promotion of their physical-location exhibitions with the request they promote the Goldfire Gallery website at the exhibition - method and content of promotion is to be approved by Goldfire Gallery.
Promotion of non-member artist’s and group’s physical-location exhibitions and art shows is done at the sole discretion of Goldfire Gallery. Fee of $5 for a 75-word advertisement OR fee-free if the Goldfire Gallery website is positively promoted at the exhibition or show – method and content of promotion is to be approved by Goldfire Gallery.
The correctness and accuracy of physical-location exhibition information is the responsibility of the artist or group providing the information. Goldfire Gallery takes no responsibility for this.
Goldfire Gallery only promotes physical-location exhibitions; we do not promote virtual exhibitions that are being held on platforms that are not the Goldfire Gallery website.
Please contact Goldfire Gallery at if you would like to promote your exhibition or show.