Virtual Art Exhibition and Sales Space for Creative Australians

Goldfire Gallery is a visual art focussed, online exhibition space, marketplace, and exhibition and art show advertising space.

The aim of our service is to display, promote and sell a wide range and variety of unique, original artworks by creative Australians, including but not limited to, paintings, textile art, jewellery, glass craft, wood craft, photography and limited edition prints. 

Australian artists 13 years and over, in any stage of practice (amateur, emerging, mid-career and established) can display and sell their original artworks or artistic creations to art lovers and individuals through the Goldfire Gallery website.


We provide:

All prices on the website are in Australian Dollars (AU$).

All prices are inclusive of any GST and of all costs associated with delivery from the artist to the customer Australia wide.

Goldfire Gallery provides services within Australia only. International sales are not available currently.

To apply to display and sell your work on Goldfire Gallery please go to our Artist Membership information page.

For more information on our exhibition related services please go to our virtual exhibition information page and our promotion of physical-location exhibitions and art shows information page.

Full Goldfire Gallery service information is available in our Goldfire Gallery Terms of Service.