Buy Original Australian Art, Prints & More
Goldfire Gallery acts as an intermediary service for Australian artists 13 years and over, in any stage of practice (amateur, emerging, mid-career and established) to display and sell their original artworks or artistic creations to art lovers and individuals looking to purchase artwork within Australia. Goldfire Gallery currently provides services within Australia only. International sales are not available currently.
If you are interested in artist membership but have some questions please do not hesitate to contact us at or phone 0466 070 867.
For full conditions of artist membership please see our Goldfire Gallery Terms of Service and Artist Membership Agreement. All conditions of membership are non-negotiable.

No set up fee or ongoing fees.
20% commission on sales, taken from the sale price provided by the artist.
Unlimited number of Artwork.
Free virtual artworks exhibition on the Website. Conditions apply.
Free Advertisement of your physical-location exhibitions on the Goldfire Gallery website.
No set up fee.
$15 monthly fee (ongoing automatic debit payment).
No commission on sales.
Promotion of your other promotional and sales platforms on your portfolio page on the Website.
Limit of forty (40) Artwork showing on your Portfolio page on the Website at any one time.
Access to the Goldfire Gallery virtual artworks exhibition space. Fees and conditions apply.
Free Advertisement of your physical-location exhibitions on the Goldfire Gallery website.
Please apply for consideration of membership using our online Artist Membership Request form.
Goldfire Gallery promotes the website and member artists to the best of its financial limits.
We may promote using the following means - social media platforms, email, through partnerships with other agencies and in print.
Promotion of Goldfire Gallery by its members through various social media platforms or word of mouth is welcomed.
Artist Portfolio
Opportunity to display Artist Statement including relevant education and exhibitions.
Artworks search feature making it easy for customers to find your work.
Sales Feature
Goldfire Gallery uses Stripe Payment Gateway for online credit card transactions and PayPal which provide secure encrypted online payment processing.
Virtual Exhibitions
access to the Goldfire Gallery Virtual Exhibition space. All aspects of the Terms of Service apply to Goldfire Gallery Virtual Exhibitions and any resulting sales.
Limitations apply:
Maximum of 1 exhibition per year per paying Artist-member. This is dependent on space availability - there are a limited number of spaces available per month. A booking system applies.
Maximum length of an exhibition is 1 month. Exhibitions run from the first day of each month to the last day of the month. Arrangements can be made between Goldfire Gallery and the artist for alternate start and finish date however fees may apply.
The virtual exhibition offer includes 5 minutes of video.
Physical-Location Exhibition Promotion
Free promotion of your physical-location exhibitions on the Goldfire Gallery website.

The Agreement describes the general terms and conditions applicable to the representation of the Artist (you) on the Goldfire Gallery website,
The Agreement is in addition to the Terms of Service.
If you are interested in Goldfire Gallery Artist Membership please download and read the full Membership Agreement & Terms of Service to determine if this service is right for you.
Goldfire Gallery aims to promote, and accepts for display or sale on the website, a wide range and variety of unique, original artworks inclusive of but not limited to drawings, paintings, textile art, jewellery, glass craft, wood craft, photography and limited edition prints.
Artists in all stages of practice (amateur, emerging, mid-career and established) are welcome to join as member-artists with Goldfire Gallery.
Unlike some online gallery and marketplace sites we accept members as young as 13 years of age (contractual conditions apply).
Artists must reside and remain residing in Australia to begin and continue membership.
Artists must have the right to live and work in Australia to become a Member of Goldfire Gallery
All personal information collected and stored by Goldfire Gallery as part of your artist membership agreement is done so in line with Australian privacy regulations as set out in the Privacy Act 1988.
All artworks must be original artwork and not infringe any copyright and/or intellectual property rights, meaning they must be of your own design and creation.
All artwork must physically exist, be completed and of a saleable quality.
Goldfire Gallery does not display artwork, images or video that is determined by Goldfire Gallery to be of illegal or inappropriate imagery e.g. pornographic, defamatory, racist, sexist etc.
Any artwork, images and video must be of professional quality or equivalent.
A minimum of 3 saleable Portfolio artworks are required for setup of artist membership. Up to 3 images of each artwork will be accepted – this is essential for 3-dimensional artworks.
Image size is recommended to be between 200KB and 1MB each (pixel size 640 minimum up to 2000 in any direction).
Artwork, profile information and exhibition information provided will be displayed on the website at the discretion of Goldfire Gallery.
Copyright for artworks, portfolio content and exhibition content remain with the artist.
Artworks and artist information may be used in promotional material by Goldfire Gallery promoting the website and artist members.
Respectfully any sales initiated on the Goldfire Gallery website should be concluded through the website.
Commissioning of an artist to do an artwork is available as long as Goldfire Gallery is paid the required commission based on the plan you are on.
Set up and alterations to your artist portfolio (including changes in artwork sales status) are done through completion of an online form. Set-up of your artist portfolio page may take up to 7 days. Alterations to your portfolio information may take up to 48hours to become visible.
Goldfire Gallery takes their commission for services rendered from the total sale price provided by the artist. The artist is paid the remaining amount from the sale of the artwork. Make sure the sale price you provide us already includes this.
The sale price the artist provides for the artwork is the price that will be displayed on Goldfire Gallery. Any GST, packaging, and shipping charges are to be included in the sale price of the artwork provided by the artist.
Artwork you place for sale on the Goldfire Gallery website may be offered elsewhere for sale, however artwork for sale on the Goldfire Gallery website must not be offered for sale at any other location (online or physical-location) for less than the sale price of the artwork on Goldfire Gallery.
All artwork remains with the artist until purchased by a customer.
The artist is responsible for shipping and safe delivery to customers of items purchased through Goldfire Gallery.
Shipping is to include tracking, and shipping insurance is highly recommended. Packaging is to be adequate to prevent damage or breakage of artwork in transit.
You may provide a pick-up service. If this is offered by you, it will be shown on your profile page and with the details of each artwork. Arrangement for safe pick-up of the artwork is the responsibility of the artist and to be made in agreement with the customer.
Artworks are not shipped until full payment has been received from the customer by Goldfire Gallery.
Goldfire Gallery provides a 7-day refund option. This becomes active on the date the item arrives at the customer’s nominated delivery location. Monies from the sale are held in trust until the 7-day refund period has expired at which time they are paid into the artist’s account. This will be between 10 and 21 days from the date of sale. If there is a customer dispute, payment may be held until resolution of the dispute.
A tax invoice is issued automatically to the customer by Goldfire Gallery; The artist does not need to send a tax invoice to the customer.
Tax invoices are provided to the artist by Goldfire Gallery for all financial transactions.
Goldfire Gallery is not legally obligated to become involved in any disputes between users of the Goldfire Gallery website or in claims that may arise from said disputes.